Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Traveling Science Workshop

Sparking Sound Discovery in the Library

Students learned that sound is vibration. By using a tuning fork, students actively engaged in exploring sound.  Students created unique sound makers with household materials and tools found in the garage.  Visit http://bit.ly/TSWactivity to find more ideas for exploring science with fun, at-home science activities.

Friday, October 18, 2019

MATH workshop

"M" is for math games.  This week the kids are Batty Roll & Cover!  
Math workshop encompasses a new lesson daily.  Concept application of the lesson using our Math In Focus workbook pages.  Lastly, we do centers that correlate to MIF concepts.
"T" is for technology.  The kids are using the IXL math app.

"H" is for a hands-on activity.  The kids pictured here are playing "Spooky" addition sentences.

"A" is for at my seat. The kids here are working at the teacher table with me.  We are reviewing number bonds and identifying the missing addends of the number bonds.

"T" is for technology, she is using the Hungry Fish app.

"T" is for technology, they are using the IXL math app.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Project Based Learning--Thank you Fuller Meadow School for allowing us to borrow these materials!

Cooperative skills: taking turns & sharing materials

Using our iPads to build a Lego We Go Project

Classroom of the Future

Sorting Materials
Our initial visit to the Classroom of the Future!
Mrs. Grace reading Rosie Revere, Engineer
Mrs. Grace explained through this great reading how we can use perseverance and dreaming big we can become design engineers of the future!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Math Mania

Pattern Blocks
Taking a break from Number Bonds.

 And they all fall down
Linking Up

COREY "the dribbler"

Dribbling 6 basketballs
Thank you TESPTO for bringing Corey "the dribbler" to Steward School.  We were in "aww" of Corey's unique talents.  Corey also provided a powerful message of the character trait: perseverance to accomplish your goals!  

Frankly, We Love First Grade

October Crafts
Firsties are Fantastic!
Carving out time to craft

Pajama Day

Jammin' in our jammies